Wow talk about a whirlwind..........we havent had the easiest year as those close to me know, but we are going to turn things around in 2010 in a big way.
My husband has just started his new job as well as starting to design his own cabinets..........early steps, but they look fantastic, are an original design and hopefully he can get them off the paper and made as I believe they will sell like hot cakes.
The biggest news whilst heading into a new year is.....................................................................
"Sweet B. Photography"
I am setting up business with my photography. I have had a lot of enquiries of late and have decided to get motivated and do it. I have never felt so excited and for once I have my passion and a love for what I do. I am still working my normal job as it is part time, but I am hoping to put a lot of focus on the business in the next 2years to get it up and running.
I am very affordable, I love photography and have paid mega bucks on photos of my daughter and in return I used to get just a few photos. My whole basis in starting this business is to be affordable to families, so that you can get them done regularly without breaking the bank.
Thank you to everyone that has been supportive of this venture I truly truly appreciate it.
For those of you with Facebook please feel free to join my business page, I hope to get my website set up soon, but in the meantime this will be my interim page.
So if you know anyone wanting photos done, please let me know or contact me
Ph. 0413 569 798
I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas, for me it was great to spend the day with family and here's to a wonderful New Year.
Briana xoxo